Our People-Our Teams
Senior Executive Staff
Chief Executive Officer
Gregory Lazarus
Gregory was appointed as CEO of Gateway Family Services in January 2019. He has had a diverse career in Leadership roles primarily in the Faith based and NFP sector. His most recent role was as Director of Social Services with CatholicCare in the Diocese of Parramatta. Prior to that he has held positions as Director of Mission with the St John of God Health Care Group, and Clinical Director with a large regional Health Centre.
When not working in organizational endeavours Gregory engages his primary passion working as a psychotherapist in his own practice. He predominately works in the relationship field and it is in this domain that he came to more fully appreciate the world of the child. He holds the belief that many of our contemporary approaches to children, parenting and education are in need of reform especially given current knowledge in the fields of neurobiology, attachment and Trauma informed practice.
Finance & IT Manager
Terese Williams
With formal qualifications in Accounting, Book-keeping and Training and Assessment and over 40 years working in business administration and financial mangagement, Terese implements and maintains the financial functions of GFS. Her expertise ensures the smooth running of the service and that financial, legal and employment accountability requirements are all met. She is also a registered BAS agent, MYOB Professional Partner and Justice of the Peace.
Terese has worked in the Not-for-profit for over 15 years and as well as providing expert financial management, she oversees all the IT requirements of the organisation.
Evolve Team
Team Leader
Jill Carlson-Beardall
Jill was a Community Development Worker with the Department of Education and Training for 20 years before coming to work at Gateway Family Services as a Community Hub Coordinator. She was also a Family Support worker for a number of years before dedicating her time to the parent support programs as Team Leader.
She is passionate about early childhood and the importance of the first 3 years, and enjoys supporting parents in the challenging role of parenting. Her greatest joy was facilitating Winmalee Play and Chat and supporting the development of many babies and young children throughout their preschool years.
Early Childhood Mentoring Project
Ruth Myers
Ruth began her career in early childhood and then moved to working with children who had experienced trauma and or abuse and with women who had mental health issues, trauma and who were facing social challenges. Her work also led her to work for social justice organisations. Ruth facilitated parenting groups before working as a family support worker.With a BA Hons in Humanities, Ruth continued to study and became a counsellor, specializing in loss, grief and trauma and worked in family enrichment programs and disaster recovery. Ruth is currently combining skills working as a Mentor to early childhood staff in working with vulnerable families and as a counsellor.
Enrich Team
Team Leader
Sophie Corbett
The Enrich Team is comprised of Counsellors, Family Support Workers and Parenting Group faciltators. The team holds formal qualifications in Counselling, Social work, Art & Expressive therapies; Play Therapy; Communications; Child Protection.
The team has experience working in the fields of:
- Early childhood
- Parenting support and education
- Trauma recovery
- Adolescent + family counselling
- Health incl; mental health & Adolescent mental health
- Homelessness and refugee support
- Youth work
- Child Protection
- Family violence
- Disaster Recovery
Essentials Team
Karen Bartle - Essentials Team Leader & Volunteer Coordinator
Disaster Recovery
Project Manager
Anne Crestani
Anne Crestani is the Project Manager for the 'Walk With' program which is auspiced by Gateway Family Services in the NSW Blue Mountains. She has worked in the community services sector for over 18 years. During this time, Anne managed the Step by Step bushfire support service which provided crisis support and assistance to over 500 households impacted by the 2013 Blue Mountains bushfires.
During the bushfire recovery, Anne crafted the Step by Step 4 Quadrant Model which the Walk With program is built upon. The Step by Step (and Walk With) approach focuses on actively engaging the capacity of people to reshape their lives after disaster. Community service organisations are experts in recognising and growing that capacity. Walk With is designed to support the transition of that expertise into disaster response and recovery environments.